VIS Base Image

This is the base image of all VIS apps. We use cinit, a tool custom developed to start programs in a container, see here

Best Practices

cinit is the program taking care of all programs you want to run inside the container. In addition to the general usage in the documentation linked above, also keep this in mind:

  • Don't specify any CMD or ENTRYPOINT inside the Dockerfile.

  • Don't run apt update or apt upgrade during setup.

  • Run all services as non-privileged user. base provides the user and group app-user for this purpose. root is only acceptable for short-term setup tools.

  • Your service program will most likely need the capability CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE which allows your unprivileged user to open the network port 80. See capabilities for details.

Migration Guide


  • We base on Debian Stretch. Make sure you move all Ubuntu related code.

  • We now use an init daemon called cinit. Find the documentation of it in the documentation.

  • Your app is not supposed to run as user root any more. Instead you should use cinit to spawn your server as user and group app-user. If you need root privileges set the appropriate capabilities which is much more fine-grained than root.

  • Don't provide either ENTRYPOINT (nothing new) or CMD (this is new) in your Dockerfile. Write a cinit config file instead and place it in /etc/cinit.d/ to have your app registered.

  • Don't use bash scripts to run your programs. Bash scripts are great to perform simple file moving and text manipulation. Tasks running for longer than a few seconds, deserve their own entry as cinit program.

  • Remove any apt update or apt upgrade commands. You are provided with apt lists from base and are supposed to use those lists.

  • The timezone is now Europe/Zurich instead of UTC.


  • We base on Debian Buster. All that you need to do is fix any incompatibilities.

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